Call Us Today! (647) 362-9620
Before we buy your house, we will just need to gather a bit of information. All it requires is the submission of the brief form or simply a call at (647) 362-9620.
We engage in contact you to set up a quick appointment to inquire a bit more and to do a walkthrough of the property for us to come up with the best cash offer for you.
We put a fair cash offer on the table for you. You don’t have to accept it, this is simply us notifying you know what we’ll pay for your house if you choose to accept our offer.
We close legally and our lawyers will finalize the paperwork in as less as 7 days. The closing date is flexible – you let us know what works for you.
Working with Arista Investment has diamond clear perks and benefits over selling through a realtor. We aren’t real estate agents; we are just investors who buy houses for cash fast, respecting your end of the deal as well.
We often close in as little as 7 days because our purchase does not rely upon approved financing or home inspections.
We buy your homes in any condition, so you don’t have to worry about costly repairs or clean-ups that would typically be required.
Your house won’t need to be staged for months while you live elsewhere, carrying the liabilities and costs of monthly payments.
House contracts are notorious for back out clauses that protect buyers but not sellers. With Arista Investment, you won’t have to worry about the sale falling through at the last minute.